Category Archives: Theology

April 08

Easter: The Women Stayed

If you want a steadfast love in your life, find yourself a woman. From my mother, friends, mentors, and circles of women who hold me in the light and sustain me, it is always the women who stayed. My faith grew much stronger during the pandemic but my belief in the church has taken a […]

February 18

To Ash Wednesday

Lent is a slow turning ourselves towards God. It is the season of Lent; a reckoning of how we see the world afresh through the lens of the cross. I love Lent. The feeling of waiting, anticipation, the taking up of our cross (I always take something up, not give up crisps), and the rollercoaster of emotions […]

November 26

Those who are first, will be last

Tomorrow we enter the season of advent. We need the light and the hope, and I crave the cyclical comfort of the seasons. However we cannot ignore the crisis this country is in. So many people unable to heat their homes and feed their families. Elderly people frightened of their smart meters and avoiding boiling […]

September 24

Feed The People

My attention was drawn tonight to a blogger with a large following claiming that nobody starves in the UK. The poor can eat gruel apparently (well I am being facetious but they recommend the poor purchase 1kg of oatmeal in order to avoid hunger). I am not going to share the post but you can […]

August 09

Being Human

I have entered the second week of my annual leave and have got into the pace of slowing down and switching off (as much as a hyperactive brain can). The luxury of time to think and mull ideas over, marinate in the experiences of the pandemic and my hope for the future. Today I visited […]

July 09

Full circle

Winning Lecturer of the Year (2022) at the University of Liverpool is my life going full circle. Thank you to my friends and colleagues Alex and Tan who accompanied me on the night. It was wonderful to see friends from across the university and I enjoyed celebrating your successes. Twenty years ago I first came […]

April 17

When the Dust Settles

Professor Lucy Easthope is the country’s leading emergency planner/disaster expert. When the Dust Settles Stories of love, loss and hope from an expert in disaster was published by Hodder and Stoughton in April 2022. I was lucky to meet Lucy online during the start of the pandemic, which then resulted in meeting up when lockdown […]

March 01

Leaning Towards Lent

2022. The world is in a mess. The people of Ukraine are in need of our support as are the people of Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Ethiopia and around the world. Matthew 26.40 “The King will reply, ‘ I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you […]

February 20

The trees will know calm in the morning

I am forever indebted to the wisdom of trees. I wrote a Theology post here about God being in the rubble, and the comfort of Lammas. I have always loved trees, nature, the outdoors. It is my place of thinking and reflecting and stillness. The worst part of the pandemic response for my mental health […]

December 30

Pass the Light On

Sitting in the cathedral clutching my candle we were told “If you’ve got a neighbour pass the light on” as the flame did a relay throughout the people. We each cautiously lit the wick of our immediate neighbour’s candle, anticipating the lights being switched off and sitting bathing in the glow of our flames. Alone […]